Archive for the ‘Day In The Life: Daniel Ford (SUUG)’ Category

8.30am: Up bright and early and over to the ACC before conference starts.

Already candidates and groups of supporters are out campaigning for votes.

9.00am: The day started with the Welfare zone and motions.

10.30am: The start of the Union Development zone was interupted by the first election of the day.

Beginning with voting for the president of NUS between Megan Dunn, Beth
Redmond, and RON!

11.30am: Following the voting, the Union Development zone opened.

Motions about how governing structutres of Students’ Unions should be set out were discussed, as well as discussing the idea of Full Time Officers from restricted franchises . This zone also included a Keynote Speech from Sharan Burrow, from the International Trades Union. She discussed a wide variety of subjects praising the work of the student movement in the UK.

1:00am: Procedural motions and fringe food.

The Union Development Zone introduced many first time delegates, like myself, to procedural motions; with even a procedural motion to ban procedural motions themselves! A fringe break bought a well needed break and muffins! This fringe focused on embedding sustainability in the curriculum, with some interesting discussions and case studies.

6.00pm: Accounts and appointments

Following the end of the Society and Citizenship zone, there was a presentation of the account and appointments of the lay trustees. We also learnt who was elected VP Higher Education!

8.30pm: Time for a break

After a long day, a round of mini golf and a couple of drinks was needed at the end of the second day of conference.

9.30pm: And finally, time for a Team Greenwich selfie.